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1914 | Number of ascents: 18
 back to details of 1914

Aravis:  BEL  Philippe THYS1487 mThe AlpsFRANCE
Aspin:  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT1490 mThe PyreneesFRANCE
Aubisque:  FRA  Henri PELISSIER1709 mThe PyreneesFRANCE
Aubisque:  SUI  Oscar EGG1709 mThe PyreneesFRANCE
Ballon d’Alsace:  FRA  Jean ALAVOINE1178 mThe VosgesFRANCE
Ballon d’Alsace:  FRA  Henri PELISSIER1178 mThe VosgesFRANCE
Col Bayard:  BEL  Philippe THYS1246 mThe AlpsFRANCE
Col d’Allos:  FRA  Henri PELISSIER2250 mThe AlpsFRANCE
Col d’Allos:  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT2250 mThe AlpsFRANCE
Col de Braus:  BEL  Jean ROSSIUS1002 mThe AlpsFRANCE
Col de la Faucille:  FRA  Henri PELISSIER1323 mThe JuraFRANCE
Col des Ares:  FRA  Henri ALAVOINE797 mThe PyreneesFRANCE
Galibier:  FRA  Henri PELISSIER2645 mThe AlpsFRANCE
Grosse Pierre:  FRA  Jean ALAVOINE923 mThe VosgesFRANCE
Lautaret:  FRA  Henri PELISSIER2058 mThe AlpsFRANCE
Peyresourde:  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT1569 mThe PyreneesFRANCE
Portet d’Aspet:  FRA  Jean ALAVOINE1069 mThe PyreneesFRANCE
Tourmalet:  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT2115 mThe PyreneesFRANCE

Winners of ascents in 1914 by nations:

 nation  No. wins share (%)
 FRA  10 
 BEL  7 
 SUI  1 

Winners of ascents in 1914 by cyclists:

 name  No. wins share (%)
 Henri PELISSIER  6 
 Firmin LAMBOT  4 
 Jean ALAVOINE  3 
 Philippe THYS  2 
 Jean ROSSIUS  1 
 Oscar EGG  1 
 Henri ALAVOINE  1 

Here we would like to express our respect and thanks to all participants and organizers of this prestige event, as well as to highlight the possibilities of geography and bring a new look at this phenomenon


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