1953 | July 3 - July 26 Strasbourg - Paris total distance: 4476.0 km number of stages: 22 money for winner: 2 000 000 F money total: 35 000 000 F Louison Bobet | France | France | age: 28 time: 129hr 23min 25sec | average speed: 34.593 km/h 2nd place: Jean Mallejac (+ 14min 18sec) 3rd place: Giancarlo Astrua (+ 15min 1sec) winning team: Holland number of participants: 119 finished: 76 not finished: 43 Jerseys winners: Louison Bobet Fritz Schaer Jesus Lorono
Tour de France start:
Statistic of the riders:
Route length:
(compared with longest route in 1926 - 5745 km)
number of stages in this year*: 22 | display finish towns on map *total number of posibbilities to win the stage
Winners of stages in 1953 by nations (6):
Winners of stages in 1953 by cyclists (18):
number of ascents in this year*: 13 | display ascents on map *ascents of the second, first and "hors" category
Winners of ascents in 1953 by nations (3):
Winners of ascents in 1953 by cyclists (8):
Video highlights
No video available