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Overview of the year 1920
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1920 | June 27 - July 25
Paris - Paris

total distance: 5503.0 km
number of stages: 15

money for winner: 15 000 F
money total: 80 765 F

Philippe Thys | La Sportive | Belgium | age: 30
time: 228hr 36min 13sec | average speed: 24.072 km/h
2nd place: Hector Heusghem (+ 57min 21sec)
3rd place: Firmin Lambot (+ 1hr 39min 35sec)
winning team:
number of participants: 113
finished: 22
not finished: 91
Jerseys winners:

 Philippe Thys

Tour de France start:

Statistic of the riders:
Route length:
(compared with longest route in 1926 - 5745 km)

 5 503 / 5 745 


number of stages in this year*: 15 | display finish towns on map
*total number of posibbilities to win the stage

STAGES - start, finish, length, winner, time, average speed
1Paris -Le Havre  388.0 km  BEL  Louis MOTTIAT  14:50:46  26.1 km/h
2Le Havre -Cherbourg  364.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  15:17:48  23.8 km/h
3Cherbourg -Brest  405.0 km  FRA  Henri PÉLISSIER  16:09:00  25.1 km/h
4Brest -Les Sables  412.0 km  FRA  Henri PÉLISSIER  15:59:28  25.8 km/h
5Les Sables -Bayonne  482.0 km  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT  19:44:00  24.4 km/h
6Bayonne -Luchon  326.0 km  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT  15:15:25  21.4 km/h
7Luchon -Perpignan  323.0 km  BEL  Jean ROSSIUS  13:41:50  23.6 km/h
8Perpignan -Aix-en-Provence  325.0 km  BEL  Louis HEUSGHEM  12:12:08  26.6 km/h
9Aix-en-Provence -Nice  356.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  16:15:44  21.9 km/h
10Nice -Grenoble  333.0 km  BEL  Hector HEUSGHEM  14:47:39  22.5 km/h
11Grenoble -Gex  362.0 km  BEL  Léon SCIEUR  15:30:43  23.3 km/h
12Gex -Strasbourg  354.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  14:19:19  24.7 km/h
13Strasbourg -Metz  300.0 km  BEL  Philippe THYS  11:13:34  26.7 km/h
14Metz -Dunkerque  433.0 km  FRA  Félix GOETHALS  18:33:51  23.3 km/h
15Dunkerque -Paris  340.0 km  BEL  Jean ROSSIUS  14:31:40  23.4 km/h

Winners of stages in 1920 by nations (2):

 nation  No.wins share (%)
 BEL  12 
 FRA  3 

Winners of stages in 1920 by cyclists (9):

 name  No.wins share (%)
 Philippe THYS  4 
 Jean ROSSIUS  2 
 Henri PÉLISSIER  2 
 Firmin LAMBOT  2 
 Hector HEUSGHEM  1 
 Léon SCIEUR  1 
 Louis MOTTIAT  1 
 Louis HEUSGHEM  1 
 Félix GOETHALS  1 


number of ascents in this year*: 12 | display ascents on map
*ascents of the second, first and "hors" category

Aravis (1487 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Col Bayard (1246 m):  BEL  Louis HEUSGHEM
Col d’Allos (2250 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Col de Braus (1002 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Galibier (2645 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Aspin (1490 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Aubisque (1709 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Col de Port (1249 m):  BEL  Philippe THYS
Peyresourde (1569 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Portet d’Aspet (1069 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Puymorens (1915 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Tourmalet (2115 m):  BEL  Firmin LAMBOT
Other mountains [0]

Winners of ascents in 1920 by nations (1):

 nation  No. wins share (%)
 BEL  12 

Winners of ascents in 1920 by cyclists (3):

 name  No. wins share (%)
 Firmin LAMBOT  10 
 Louis HEUSGHEM  1 
 Philippe THYS  1 

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