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Year: Belgium back to cyclists 

number of cyclists born in Belgium:155

155 cyclists born in Belgium won together 462 stages

Cyclists born in Belgium:

1944 | Willy PLANCKAERT (05.05. 1944 | Nevele, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1956 | Ludwig WIJNANTS (04.07. 1956 | Veerle, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1915 | Robert WIERINCKX (12.04. 1915 | Ixelles, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1969 | Marc WAUTERS (23.02. 1969 | Hasselt, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1948 | Eddy VERSTRAETEN (15.09. 1948 | Leuven, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1974 | Rik VERBRUGGHE (23.07. 1974 | Tienen, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1985 | Jelle VANENDERT (19.02. 1985 | Neerpelt, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1941 | Georges VANDENBERGHE (28.12. 1941 | Oostrozebeke, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1939 | Willy VANDEN BERGHEN (30.07. 1939 | Vilvoorde, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1905 | Bernard VAN RYSSELBERGHE (05.10. 1905 | Laarne, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1944 | Willy VAN NESTE (10.03. 1944 | Zwevezele, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1891 | Henri VAN LERBERGHE (29.01. 1891 | Lichtervelde, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1883 | Cyrille VAN HAUWAERT (16.12. 1883 | Moorslede, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1918 | Edward VAN DIJCK (22.03. 1918 | Herent, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1952 | Ferdi VAN DEN HAUTE (25.06. 1952 | Deftinge, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1916 | Lucien STORME (18.06. 1916 | Nieuwkerke, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1943 | Julien STEVENS (25.02. 1943 | Mechelen, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1930 | Edgard SORGELOOS (14.12. 1930 | Denderhoutem, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1919 | Brik SCHOTTE (07.09. 1919 | Kanegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1907 | Alfons SCHEPERS (27.08. 1907 | Neerlinter, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1935 | Julien SCHEPENS (19.12. 1935 | Anzegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1959 | Marc SERGEANT (16.08. 1959 | Aalst, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1953 | Karel ROTTIERS (07.04. 1953 | Bornem, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1906 | Georges RONSSE (04.03. 1906 | Antwerpen, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1935 | Louis PROOST (07.04. 1935 | Halle, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1948 | Walter PLANCKAERT (08.04. 1948 | Nevele, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1946 | Georges PINTENS (15.10. 1946 | Antwerpen, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1954 | Rudy PEVENAGE (15.06. 1954 | Moerbeke, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1914 | René PEDROLI (19.07. 1914 | Montignies sur Sambre, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1958 | Jan NEVENS (26.08. 1958 | Ninove, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1912 | François NEUVILLE (24.11. 1912 | Mons-Crotteux, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1970 | Wilfried NELISSEN (05.05. 1970 | Tongeren, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1940 | Frans MELCKENBEECK (15.11. 1940 | Lede, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1915 | Emile MASSON jr- (01.09. 1915 | Hollogne aux Pierres, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1955 | René MARTENS (27.05. 1955 | Hasselt, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1955 | Ludo LOOS (13.01. 1955 | Essen, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1920 | Désiré KETELEER (13.06. 1920 | Anderlecht, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1953 | Jos JACOBS (28.01. 1953 | Vosselaar, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1898 | Omer HUYSE (22.08. 1898 | Kortrijk, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1982 | Philippe GILBERT (05.07. 1982 | Verviers (Liège), Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1905 | Maurice GELDHOF (22.10. 1905 | Moorslede, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1961 | Herman FRISON (16.04. 1961 | Geel, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1964 | Ludo DIERCKXSENS (14.10. 1964 | Geel, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1961 | Rudy DHAENENS (10.04. 1961 | Deinze, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1934 | Willy DERBOVEN (19.09. 1934 | Leuven, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1913 | Gustaaf DELOOR (24.06. 1913 | De Klinge, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1950 | Ludo DELCROIX (28.10. 1950 | Kalmthout, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1902 | Louis DE LANNOY (16.06. 1902 | Antwerpen, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1894 | Albert DEJONGHE (14.02. 1894 | Middelkerke, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1956 | Fons DE WOLF (22.06. 1956 | Willebroek, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1945 | Eric DE VLAEMINCK (23.03. 1945 | Eeklo, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1947 | Roger DE VLAEMINCK (24.08. 1947 | Eeklo, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1947 | Jos DE SCHOENMACKER (02.10. 1947 | Mechelen, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1929 | Germain DE RIJCKE (02.11. 1929 | Bellegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1966 | Peter DECLERCQ (02.07. 1966 | Oudenaarde, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1946 | Wilfried DAVID (22.02. 1946 | Brügge, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1913 | Gustave DANNEELS (06.09. 1913 | Loos en Gohelle, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1924 | Norbert CALLENS (22.06. 1924 | Wakken, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1901 | Jules BUYSSE (13.08. 1901 | Wontergem, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1948 | Joseph BRUYERE (05.10. 1948 | Maastricht, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1940 | Frans BRANDS (31.05. 1940 | Berendrecht, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1912 | Adolph BRAECKEVELDT (06.10. 1912 | St. Denijs Westrem, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1926 | Maurice BLOMME (29.10. 1926 | Oostnieuwkerke, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1940 | Benoni BEHEYT (27.09. 1940 | Zwijnaarde, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1896 | Théophile BEECKMAN (01.11. 1896 | Meerbeke, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1986 | Jan BAKELANTS (14.02. 1986 | Oudenaarde, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1969 | Serge BAGUET (18.08. 1969 | Opbrakel, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1928 | Armand BAEYENS (22.06. 1928 | Denderleeuw, Belgium )
winnner of: 1 stage

1980 | Bradley WIGGINS (28.04. 1980 | Gent, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1952 | Paul WELLENS (27.06. 1952 | Hasselt, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1912 | Edward VISSERS (04.07. 1912 | Antwerpen, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1899 | Julien VERVAECKE (03.11. 1899 | Dadizele, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1935 | Willy VANNITSEN (08.02. 1935 | St. Truiden, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1945 | Daniel van RYCKEGHEM (29.05. 1945 | Meulebeke, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1941 | Bernard VAN DE KERKHOVE (08.07. 1941 | Moeskroen, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1902 | Camille VAN DE CASTEELE (27.06. 1902 | St. Andries, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1933 | Michel VAN AERDE (02.10. 1933 | Zonnegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1904 | Omer TAVERNE (27.07. 1904 | Waudrez, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1980 | Gert STEEGMANS (30.09.  1980 | Hasselt, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1958 | Eddy PLANCKAERT (22.09. 1958 | Nevele, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1965 | Johan MUSEEUW (13.10. 1965 | Varsenare, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1888 | Emile "senior" MASSON (16.10. 1888 | Morlanwelz, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1886 | Jules MASSELIS (19.11. 1886 | Ledegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1905 | Gérard LONCKE (15.01. 1905 | Overpelt, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1916 | Roger LAMBRECHT (01.01. 1916 | Sint Joris ten Distel, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1931 | Marcel JANSSENS (30.12. 1931 | Edegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1941 | Joseph HUYSMANS (18.12. 1941 | Beerzel, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1882 | Louis HEUSGHEM (26.12. 1882 | Ransart, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1890 | Hector HEUSGHEM (15.02. 1890 | Ransart, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1905 | Alfred HAEMERLINCK (07.09. 1905 | Assenede, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1950 | Marc DEMEYER (19.04. 1950 | Avelgem, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1898 | Raymond DECORTE (17.03. 1898 | Waarschoot, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1946 | Ronald DE WITTE (21.10. 1946 | Wilrijk, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1958 | Etienne DE WILDE (23.03. 1958 | Wetteren, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1940 | Roger DE BREUKER (13.07. 1940 | Grobbendonk, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1964 | Johan BRUYNEEL (23.08. 1964 | Izegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1930 | Jean BRANKART (12.07. 1930 | Momalle, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1939 | Ferdinand BRACKE (25.05. 1939 | Hamme, Belgium )
winnner of: 2 stages

1955 | Pol VERSCHUERE (18.01. 1955 | Kortrijk, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1902 | Pé VERHAEGEN (20.02. 1902 | Tremelo, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1942 | Albert VAN VLIERBERGHE (18.03. 1942 | Belsele, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1901 | Joseph VAN DAM (02.11. 1901 | Willebroek, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1943 | Joseph SPRUYT (25.02. 1943 | Viersel, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1893 | Félix SELLIER (02.01. 1893 | Gembloux, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1888 | Léon SCIEUR (19.03. 1888 | Florennes, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1951 | Michel POLLENTIER (13.02. 1951 | Diksmuide, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1970 | Jo PLANCKAERT (16.12. 1970 | Deinze, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1953 | Ludo PEETERS (09.08. 1953 | Hoogstraten, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1920 | Stan OCKERS (20.02. 1920 | Borgerhout, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1925 | Raymond IMPANIS (19.10. 1925 | Berg, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1902 | Aimé DOSSCHE (28.03. 1902 | Landegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1907 | Jef DEMUYSERE (26.07. 1907 | Wervik, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1888 | Odile DEFRAYE (14.07. 1888 | Rumbeke, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1907 | Frans BONDUEL (26.09. 1907 | Baasrode, Belgium )
winnner of: 3 stages

1956 | Daniel WILLEMS (16.08. 1956 | Herentals, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1924 | Rik VAN STEENBERGEN (09.09. 1924 | Arendonk, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1902 | Gustaaf VAN SLEMBROUCK (25.03. 1902 | Oostende, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1949 | Rik VAN LINDEN (28.07. 1949 | Wilrijk, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1924 | André ROSSEEL (23.11. 1924 | Lauwe, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1905 | Gaston REBRY (29.01. 1905 | Rollegem Kapelle, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1935 | Eddy PAUWELS (02.05. 1935 | Bornem, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1959 | Rudy MATTHIJS (03.03. 1959 | Eeklo, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1912 | Romain MAES (10.08. 1912 | Zerkegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1938 | Emile DAEMS (04.04. 1938 | Genval, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1900 | Adelin BENOIT (12.05. 1900 | Châtelet, Belgium )
winnner of: 4 stages

1962 | Eric VANDERAERDEN (11.02. 1962 | Herk-de-Stad, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1943 | Herman VAN SPRINGEL (14.08. 1943 | Ranst, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1948 | Willy TEIRLINCK (10.08. 1948 | Teralfene, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1890 | Jean ROSSIUS (27.12. 1890 | Cerexhe Heuseux, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1898 | Hector MARTIN (26.12. 1898 | Roeselare, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1946 | Eric LEMAN (17.07. 1946 | Ledegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1955 | Frank HOSTE (29.08. 1955 | Gent, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1896 | Maurice DE WAELE (27.12. 1896 | Lovendegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1892 | Lucien BUYSSE (11.09. 1892 | Wontergem, Belgium )
winnner of: 5 stages

1907 | Félicien VERVAECKE (11.03. 1907 | Dadizele, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1932 | Martin VAN GENEUGDEN (21.01. 1932 | Zutendaal, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1944 | Patrick SERCU (27.06. 1944 | Roeselare, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1941 | Guido REYBROECK (25.12. 1941 | Brügge, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1886 | Firmin LAMBOT (14.03. 1886 | Florennes, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1914 | Marcel KINT (20.09. 1914 | Zwevegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1930 | Fred DE BRUYNE (21.10. 1930 | Berlare, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1889 | Marcel BUYSSE (11.11. 1889 | Wontergem, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1980 | Tom BOONEN (15.10. 1980 | Mol, Belgium )
winnner of: 6 stages

1933 | Rik VAN LOOY (20.12. 1933 | Grobbendonk, Belgium )
winnner of: 7 stages

1941 | Edward SELS (27.08. 1941 | Vorselaar, Belgium )
winnner of: 7 stages

1889 | Louis MOTTIAT (06.07. 1889 | Bouffioulx, Belgium )
winnner of: 8 stages

1946 | Lucien VAN IMPE (20.10. 1946 | Erpe Mere, Belgium )
winnner of: 9 stages

1971 | Tom STEELS (02.09. 1971 | St. Gillis Waas, Belgium )
winnner of: 9 stages

1912 | Eloi MEULENBERG (22.09. 1912 | Jumet, Belgium )
winnner of: 9 stages

1909 | Sylvère MAES (27.08. 1909 | Zevekote, Belgium )
winnner of: 9 stages

1943 | Walter GODEFROOT (02.07. 1943 | Gent, Belgium )
winnner of: 10 stages

1907 | Jean AERTS (08.09. 1907 | Laken, Belgium )
winnner of: 12 stages

1890 | Philippe THYS (08.10. 1890 | Anderlecht, Belgium )
winnner of: 13 stages

1952 | Freddy MAERTENS (13.02. 1952 | Nieuwpoort, Belgium )
winnner of: 15 stages

1945 | Eddy MERCKX (17.06. 1945 | Meensel Kiezegem, Belgium )
winnner of: 34 stages

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